These are from the St. Louis Post Dispatch, May 6, May7 and May 9th. Note there is new information in each susequent notice. It sometimes pays to keep looking for further information.
- Death Notices May 6, 1905 WITHEY—On Saturday, May 6, at 3 a.m. Harry H. Withey, beloved son of Francis R. and Anna Withey, aged 37 years 7 months.
- Death Notices May 7, 1905 WITHEY—On Saturday, May 6, beloved son of Francis R. and Anna Withey aged 36 years 7 months and 19 days. Funeral from residence , 2706 Marcus avenue, Monday, May 8 at 2 p.m. to St. Peter’s Cemetery. Brooklyn, N.Y., New York City and Nashville, Tenn. Papers please copy.
- Burial Permits May 9, 1905 H.H. Withey, 36, 2706 Marcus; heart disease